Tuesday, December 12, 2006

IT Karmchari

Yeah…..Work and More!!!

How many times have we said this to people who ask us the quintessential question – How is Life?

Well, I have been thinking about what life should hold for an Aam Hindusthani IT Worker.

Let’s first get the ideal scenario in perspective:

Mon – Fri: Pretty Routine,
Get Up, Exercise (Maybe), Travel to office, work, work, work, evening work, late evening traffic, home, shower, dinner, TV, sleep.

Hmmm… not too interesting, but, there’s nothing much that can be done on this front; except philosophically give in or start enjoying work more!

Sat-Sun: Sleep, Movie, Dinner out with the family, or maybe have a drink in some horribly expensive pub with jarring music, and badly dressed page 3 people,
Clean house, do up wardrobe etc, etc, etc….

Hey, By no means is this BAD, its great, we are lucky to be the .01% of the financial Diaspora of this great democratic country.

Anyway, what to do?

I m stuck…. I don’t really know.

To be able to do anything that is uncommon seems to be too much effort, or that there is no availability for any of this stuff, or is too expensive.

i was driving through one of the villages on the Medchal Highway, it was a Saturday, and I saw in an open ground, what they would call in telugu “ Santa” as in a bi-weekely market. Where you get to shop, barter cows, socialize, network and maybe check out the cute village bells from the neighboring villages.. heh!

Now, that was something to look forward to, to me, if I was a villager I would have looked forward to that,

Now, except for the occasional movie, I don’t know what else to look forward to….

I will keep my eyes open this week, to see what else can be done, within budget, and sure will be fun… and report back in a week….

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