Tuesday, August 22, 2006

WOW! its a Tuesday....

Its finally a tuesday, after a gruelling monday living through a party on sunday night. well the biggest of surprises was that "THE BOSS" came home for the first time.. did not think he would.... le me give you a small intro, Rajneet Kumar... he was my first manager, awsome person, probably the best manager in the world and learnt a lot from him.. total bindass character, get's cranky once in a while, but, hey, he's also human....bottom line, i'm a FAN!

some tips at work....

Be pally with the Boss!!!IT helps

hehe.. nice one ..i like it....

if you are reading this, i m sure you know about the food chain, well there are not too many animals that end up at the end of the natural food chain ( i'm saying natural cause humans do it the unnatural way) well sharks as you all konw are at the end of the food chain, they do not get humted, there is no animal in the natural animal kingdom that is the shark's enemy....or predator

taking up from there, comparing it to the IT industry, who is the shark!!! think about it...
is it the CEO, but the CEO is also part of a pecking order, who is it, or is there no one at all....

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