What is this Good luck, Bad Luck Business?
what are Omens, freaking things....
you have an deadline coming soon, and suddenly something wrong happens, then you start believing that what was to happen will not, just because you have become unlucky.
This is something i believe in, "What has to happen will happen weather you like it or not", so live with it. Its called fate, and its pre-determined. We all come into this world believing that we can make our own destiny, true, agreed. but what we fail to realize is that our destiny is predetermined even before we start writing it.
what you think, what you say, when you say, how you say, who you say it to, even every single grain of rice that you put into your mouth is predetermined. you do not have a choice. your choices are predetermined, we; in our limited capacity believe that we have taken the choice based on our own conscious decisions, But this also is predetermined.
In a case like this, there is nothing called Luck, nothing called good or bad omen, it does not exist. they are all creations for us to understand and give reasons for why somethings happen and somethings do not.
what's predetermined, none of us will ever know until we actually go through the entire experience; emotionally and physically.
so i say again,
God bless us all...bless us that what's been written is good, and something which will bring harmony to your body and soul.